Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I really need a break from everything happening in my life right now...If I write about it, its going to be depressing...So I'll write about something else before I leave the office and go to the hospital...and before they close the elevator...
As an account planner, a part of my job is to look for trends, and I stumbled into this website called http://www.trendhunter.com/ it really has a lot of cool stuff about trends and it helps me alot in submitting monthly trend reports but what i love most about the site is the fashion photography it features and its all classified into categories too..so its so easy to find... so there was a week when I was just doing MILK all products and I came upon these photos...
I love photography the best when its partnered with movement and I think these photos with ladies posing with milk might be another great way to convince men or the general public to drink milk...
If milk was advertise like this when I was 5 years old, I'd probably drink it everyday without knowing the nutrients it gives me!!!hehehe...so check it out

High-Fashion Milktography:
Love the hair and Make-Up
Love the colors of the pictures
"This is the new way to drink milk without drinking it"

Andrey Razumovsky photos....(below)

i love this picture Milk+Dance = True Beauty

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Many say that for someone to be a great dancer, one has to possess the gift of timing and coordination, you have to have the rhythm of the music and beats imprinted in your soul...so that dance or any kind of movement flows out of you naturally....

but no matter how i try to perfect my timing in dance, the reality is, there's really no timing for anything...sometimes life will take you by surprise and you'll just be off beat and stumble and fall...
that's how my life went last week, i was in my performance rhythm, dance here, practice here, buy costumes at this hour, sleepover here, prepare this and that, meet deadlines, try to get sleep
and then everything just went to a stop when I got a phone call, that my grandma fell and had a stroke....no one has ever had a stroke in our family before and I was so scared....
....I kept reminding myself of my grandma, this woman, so strong, independent, and stubborn, she doesn't want anyone to worry about her, she dances to the beat of her own drum...
and yet when I saw her, she lying there peacefully, so weak and helpless, and sick. It was a painful sight to see and its a memory that still vivid in my mind...
...so we just prayed...we stormed heaven with prayers hoping she'll be alright and she'll be back to normal...but more sad news came when we knew that her medication didn't work and we had no other choice but brain surgery....
...the worse thing was when i heard this news i wasn't even close to her cuz i had dance rehearsals, so I freaked out in the corner and had screaming sobs, luckily my dance teacher shared words that soothed me for a while...and then I just danced and once again it performed its magic. Everytime I'm in sitautions I can't handle, it's only dance coupled with prayer that can makes me feel no pain...so I practiced as best as I could, and when I stopped dancing to go to the hospital I cried again....
I thank God that the operation was successful, my grandma is now out of the ICU and recovering fast, and as for my dance performance, it was a success...

My biggest dream is to be the best dancer in the world...preferabbly one with great timing and effortless movements...but what I should become is a great dancer who not only perfects timing in dance but also in situations that can take me by surprise and can knock me down....
I want to be the best dancer I can be as well be the best dancer in dancing through these shocking moments in my life with passion, grace and perfect rhythm...